Tammy Johnston, CAPS Supplier (headshot)

Tammy Johnston
KSA Business

About Tammy

Money, its not the most important thing, but it ranks right up there with oxygen

Tammy has been in financial services since 1993 and has been running her own company since 2002. She specializes in working with the self-employed, small business owners, and solopreneurs and has been teaching small business and personal finance for over 18 years. Tammy is known for her honesty, stripping things down to the simple and practical, and for getting results.

What you will learn:

  • How to set yourself up to successfully deal with fluctuating income
  • How to plan your business to make the money you want to make
  • How to simplify your financials and make your accountant love you
  • How to protect yourself and your business through the curveballs of life

Once you become friendly with the financial aspects of your business you attract more money into your business.