Michelle Ricketts, CAPS Supplier (headshot)

Michelle Ricketts

About Michelle

Unlock the true potential of your Intellectual Property (IP) as a professional speaker by leveraging the power of repurposing audio, video, blogs, interviews, and podcasts. Elevate your business to new heights by establishing efficient processes and systems that liberate you from overwhelming tasks. Cohesion Services seamlessly combines these two essential elements, empowering you to monetize your unique story and build a robust business with consistent, recurring revenue.

Working with Cohesion guarantees reasons to celebrate and happy dance regularly

Wellness has always played a part in Michelle’s life and is important in her business consulting approach, differentiating her in the industry.

Raised by a strong single mother, vision, and values were instilled at an early age. In addition to a 35 year corporate career, Michelle‘s entrepreneurial journey started in the 90s as an event coordinator and continues with her consulting work.

Passionate about making a difference, Michelle sits on the LY2NK (Leaders Yielding 2 New Knowledge) Board, a philanthropic Foundation, and supports the efforts of Digital Samurai, whose focus is reducing youth unemployment in Africa.

Discover How to Monetize Your Story Now https://bit.ly/MonetizeYourStory-Now-Cohesion