Global Speaking Fellow

The Global Speaking Fellow is conferred by the Global Speakers Federation. You can apply for this designation if you have sustained a successful speaking business across numerous global geographical regions, and you are a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), awarded by National Speakers Association (USA) or Professional Speakers Australia (PSA), or a Fellow of the Professional Speaking Association of the United Kingdom and Ireland (PSA UKI). Click here for more information!

Warren Evans headshot

Warren Evans, CSP, HoF, Global Speaking Fellow

1953 - 2014

Susan Luke Evans headshot

Susan Luke Evans, CSP, Global Speaking Fellow

Former CEO - focuses on moving from Leadership to Legacy by helping leaders to elevate their messages to maximize their ROI - Return on Influence!

CAPS Community, Global Speaking Fellow, Pamela Robinson

Pamela Robinson, CSP, Global Speaking Fellow

Local Ecological Knowledge: An Inescapable Pathway Towards Agribusiness Management 2050

Shelle Rose Charvet headshot

Shelle Rose Charvet, CSP, HoF, Global Speaking Fellow

Live and Online! Increase your impact in influencing, sales, marketing, presentations and negotiations. In English or French.

Rhonda Scharf headshot

Rhonda Scharf, CSP, HoF, Global Speaking Fellow

Do you need Admin/HR info from someone who knows your challenges?CSP,  Hall of Fame Speaker, Global Speaking Fellow • People Power Specialist • AI @ Work!

Joe Sherren headshot

Joe Sherren, CSP, HoF, Global Speaking Fellow

1947 - 2022