Accessing the CAPS website as a member

Welcome to the new CAPS website! As a member, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with all the bells and whistles, so we’ve created this page to share all the information you need so you can LOG IN, access your Learning Centre Tracks, register for Behind the Mic, and get the most out of your Chapter page.

Exciting RIGHT?!

Click the links below to access each area:     

Logging in

Learning Centre

Registering for events

Chapter Pages

Logging in

As on the previous site, there is a Member’s Only area that can only be viewed once you log in.  Click the white ‘member login’ button on the top right-of any page on the website to enter your unique Username and Password.

You will see this screen

For your username, use your email address (the email address you used to sign up for your membership) or your First Name or Initial + Last name  

PLEASE NOTE: On your first login, you will need to reset your password. To do so, please enter your username, then press ‘Forgot Password?’ and a reset link will be sent to your email address.

If your email address or your username is not recognized email [email protected] and we will get you set up.

When you login you will be directed to your new dashboard. We encourage you to update and complete your profile, and explore the various options.

Down the left hand side of your dashboard you will see several menu items – My Profile and Subscriptions are self-explanatory. Go explore. Let’s take a closer look at the others.


If you have purchased any of the learning tracks from the Academy, you will see the courses here in addition to any free courses we have opened up for free previewing. 

In time, will be shut down, but for now – we will leave both learning portals open and running.

Click on the course name to view that lesson.

And click the red ‘start’ button to watch that free preview.

When you click the My Courses tab, you will see a different view of the tracks you have purchased.  If you’ve purchased more than one track, click the Category tab to select the track you’d like to explore.

If you have not purchased any learning tracks, a new page will open showing you the learning tracks page, so you can explore the options available for purchase, or you can click on the Learning Tracks tab.

Simply move back to your previous tab to continue exploring your dashboard.   

If the course has a lock on it, you do not have access to it with your current academy purchases.

Member Resources

This is where you can access any archived Behind the Mic events from 2023, chapter leadership resources, chapter in a box, etc. You can also renew your membership via this page, edit your contact info, or update your ESpeakers profile. Again…go explore!

Behind the Mic Events  Archive

Back on the main website, there are a few things you’re going to want to familiarize yourself with.

Learning Centre

What was once a series of independent aspects of your CAPS membership has been combined into a single entity called the CAPS Learning Centre.  Now, when you press the Learning Centre tab, you will see ALL the teaching opportunities CAPS offers. 

The CAPS Speaker Academy includes all learning tracks combined into one amazing learning experience. Think ‘ALL ACCESS PASS’ to our video library.

Guided Learning Tracks are topic specific tracks, sharing videos taught by fellow industry experts in their fields. Some of these tracks include monthly online check-ins with a member leader.

Behind the Mic events are our monthly learning opportunities, and while they’re free to members they are now housed as a part of the learning centre.


On the events page, members and guests can register to attend the Behind the Mic events live, they can register for chapter events, even learn about the convention and other association events.

You will find a calendar on this page with ALL CAPS events, national and chapter specific.  Each chapter is colour coded so it is easy to find.


Your chapter sites have been replaced with a single page on the National site. 

This new page has a brief description of your chapter, a listing of your published chapter events, your chapter leadership team and if you have your own email list – an opportunity to sign up for your chapter specific list.