CAP National President Beverley Bauermann-King in her car speaking to the community

Embracing the Journey: Community Connection and Membership Adventures

Hello, all you CAPPERs out there. Beverly Beuermann-King for this month’s Keynotes. As you can see, I’m in my car on the way to the airport. Having to say goodbye to my little fur babies. I know it can be tough to say goodbye to your friends, your family members, your partners, your spouse, or your babies, whoever that may be. But it can be exciting, and it can be fun, and it can be sad, and it can be lonely. It’s all of those things and only we get each other which I think is pretty cool.

So, what’s your favourite thing to take on the plane? Mine’s my scarf. I like to take it with me keeps me comfy and cozy while I’m on the plane. I take my slippers so that I can walk around my hotel room, and I take my earphones. What’s your favourite thing to take on the plane?

So I hate pumping gas. Maybe I’ll start a community around that. Here I am on my travels again, talking about the communities. Have you signed up for one of our 12 communities that are taking place? I’ve heard from some members that that is worth the price of their membership just by being involved in those communities. Don’t forget that we have a new members community, a high-income earners community, and we’re soon to be starting a CSP and Hall of Fame community. Hope you’ll join us for one of those.

So speaking of programming, remember that you can go to the members-only section of the website and check out all of the Behind-The-Mic presentations that we’ve had so far, all of those virtual programs. You can find all the recordings there, and while you’re at it, while you’re online, go to your eSpeakers’ profile and make sure that you’ve done your updates. I just had to go and update mine. It’s been over a year since I’ve had eye surgery, and I still had my old profile picture on there. Thanks to Trevor at the convention for taking photos. I was able to update mine and make sure that it looks exactly like who I am right now. So, check out the back end of the website for the members only to see the recordings and check out your eSpeakers’ profile and make sure that you’re using it to its fullest.

As many of you know, we are in the middle of renewal, and thanks to those three and five-year renewal members who have stepped up and said hey, this is a no-brainer. I’m doing my CAPS membership for three years, five years, whatever that may be for you. Also, remember that you can add the CAPS Academy for $125, you get access to all of the different tracks that are available for this year. So you may want to think about clicking that off on your membership renewal as well.

So two more things. One being thanks to all of those who’ve connected with me, who’ve reached out to me, who’ve been part of the CAPS chapter visits. Thanks to CAPS Alberta. What an amazing opportunity to meet with all of you for your Super Saturday. So thanks for the warm welcome. Thanks for meeting me for dinner. I’m also meeting with CAPS Ottawa and CAPS BC this month, so I can’t wait to meet all of you there.

Speaking of opportunities, I can’t wait for CAPS Toronto. I get the opportunity to interview Dini Petty, Canadian icon. I can’t wait. So if you’re in the Toronto area, mark May 13th for that event, please come and join. It’s going to be absolutely awesome to hear about her experience as well to talk about just media. How do you be a good interviewer? How do you be a good interviewee? So we’re going be connecting on that as well.

Finally, as we’re sitting here at the airport, I can’t wait for CAPS Costa Rica this December 5th to the 8th. If you haven’t already booked your ticket, make sure that you do because the early bird registration is now open. And speaking of open, the call for presenters will happen later on this month. So make sure you think about what is it that you would like to present on? What is it that you would like to learn about and if there’s something that you want to learn about reach out to one of your CAPS colleagues and encourage them to put a proposal forward. Can’t wait to see all of you there.

I still get excited whenever I’m going on a plane. Speaking of excitement, I want to say how grateful I am that we get to do this and I’m grateful for all of the board members, our national board members, our CL team members, all of our volunteers for all that you do to help the association learn, share, grow and belong. So a big warm thank you, and I can’t wait until I come and see all of you at your chapters.

So here I am, I’m in my hotel as you can see I made it to Halifax. It might be a little wet and rainy but that’s okay. It’s all about appreciating the journey that we’re on. Speaking of appreciating, I want to do a shout-out to two of our national board members. One of them being Cate Collins, and the other being Marc Haine. Now, both of them together are a power duo on our national board looking after membership. Everything from renewals, which we’re in the middle of right now and they’re also going to be exploring the membership journey. What does that look like? From beginning to end, from the time that somebody hears about CAPS, to the day that they retire or maybe change businesses. They’re looking at that membership journey and the touch points and so I’m very excited to have them working on this.

Now, if you’re thinking about membership, if you have questions, or if you have comments about that membership journey, please reach out to Cate Marc. The other thing that I was going say is that if you’re going reach out to them and you’re going have a conversation with them, find out which one of them is a serial flosser and which one of them is an actor, or actress. Giving you something to think about. Some insights into who they are.

That’s it for now. Thank you so much for being on this journey with me today. I hope you had some fun, and now I have a Board meeting and so, I’m going to sign off and I will see you next month.

Take care everybody. Bye.