Join CAPS Atlantic Virtually on Thursday. March 20th @ 6:30pm ADT
(Session begins at 7pm ADT)
So here is something we have all been waiting for – a CAPS Atlantic event where we can learn and connect together.
‘Learn to LAF – Live Anxiety Free, and Train Your Brain not to Worry!
This is proprietary material from my signature presentation and involves:
● no meditation,
● no affirmations,
● no designer breathing
● no change your thoughts exercises
Einstein said: If we understand a problem and where it comes from we are 90% of the way to solving it’
Therefore, the takeaways will be:
● Understand what anxiety is, and what it is not
● Understand from the Anxometer how much anxiety is affecting your life
● Understand why there is an Anxiety Pandemic when we have been taught strategies for decades by gurus who have made tons of money from their techniques (which if they worked, there would be no anxiety left!)
● An overview of the 9 Types of Anxiety, not diagnoses, but types, according to where it comes from.
● The 4-step LAF technique that deactivates anxiety whenever it shows up and trains your brain not to worry.
I have used this framework which I have developed during 35,000 hrs. of working with individuals, couples and groups. It continues to have success in deactivating anxiety and giving people back their productivity and life satisfaction.
Join us to connect as a Chapter, to enjoy each other’s presence and feedback.