Beverly Beuermann-King presenting her monthly keynote to CAPS members

Celebrating Volunteers: Heartfelt Thanks and Community Spirit at CAPS

So I’ve only been gone for a day, but I love the greeting that you get when you come home and your dogs are excited to see you. Don’t you wish that everything was like that, that everybody celebrated each other in a way that made them feel special and important?

Last week was National Volunteer Week, and so we celebrated all of our leaders at CAPS. And so hopefully you took a moment to read a little bit about them or to say hi to them and tell them how much you appreciated them.

Speaking of volunteers, I want to do a shout-out this month to both Ron Tsang and to David Gouthro for being our chapter liaisons who are supporting our chapter leaders and helping them to problem-solve situations, giving them support, sharing information and ideas from national to the chapters to the chapters back to national. We want to thank both of them for all that they have done. They have been long-time contributors, Ron, at the chapter level, David at the chapter level and as national president. This isn’t his first go-around. So thank you to both of you for all that you have done to make this so special.

This is my opportunity to say thank you to all of you who took the time to renew and to send in all kinds of posts about how you were renewing and the benefits that you received from CAPS. I know I’ve been doing some chapter visits and we’ve been welcoming some new guests and members. And thank you for stepping up and sharing your experiences with them.

I want to do a shout-out to Michelle Cederberg, to Natalie Plamondon-Thomas, and to Denis Boudreau for the digital strategy and particularly the Academy. 150 videos are going to be highlighted as part of the Academy, as part of the digital strategy where you can access those. And some of you have ticked that off on your membership renewal. And if you haven’t, there’s still time to do that. So go in, you can purchase it. You have access to all of those videos. You may not be looking at all 150 of them now, but you can certainly tap into them when you need it. If you’re looking for sales, if you’re looking for marketing, if you’re looking for your answers to your questions. So check out those videos. They put a ton of work into being able to allow you to access those as you need them.

I am so excited. The early bird is here. There is an opportunity for you to send in your topics. The call for speakers is almost open and ready to go. What is it that you want to share? What expertise do you want to bring to your fellow CAPS members?

Codi, Shari and I had a wonderful opportunity to go and check out the venue, to do the food tasting, and to set up where we’re going to be having all of our events. We did the walkthrough. We’ve talked to the travel destination company. And we’re setting up tours and trips for all of you. For those who want to come in early or stay later, it is going to be an amazing event. And so thank you to those who have already signed up and we hope to see more of you. So don’t miss out on the early bird. It’s your chance to continue to save so that you don’t pay the full fee to enjoy this amazing experience.

Did you catch the Behind-the-Mic this month? Hey, if you have ideas, Tyler and Roxanne are really looking for ideas for not just keynoters, not just mainstage, but if your business is focused in on training, on consulting, what are some of the topics that you want to see more of? Let them know, reach out to them, share your ideas, share your thoughts so that we can bring what it is that you need to move your business forward.

I was reminded this week about our CAPS Foundation. Not that I forgot about it, but the value that it brings is so incredibly important. I’m going through some of my own life challenges with elderly parents and people reached out to lend me their support. But not everybody has that kind of support. And so your CAPS Foundation is the place where you can go to, where you can ask questions, where you can clear your head, where you can get some support and recommendations to further support. It’s a value that I think is immeasurable when somebody is going through a very challenging situation. So remember, the CAPS Foundation support, the CAPS Foundation work, and also thank the volunteers who have stepped up to be that support for our members when they’re going through trials and tribulations. Absolutely an amazing part of our CAPS experience.

So on that note, I want to say thank you to all of the board, thank you to the CLT leaders, thank you to the community leaders, all of you. For all that you bring to CAPS as we learn, share, grow, and belong together.

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