The History of CAPS

CAPS History: Unlocking Limitless Possibilities for over 25 years

Welcome to the captivating history of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers (CAPS). Here, we delve into the past, tracing the remarkable journey that has shaped CAPS into what it is today – a vibrant community of professional speakers dedicated to inspiring, empowering, and connecting minds across the nation.

The creation of a community

In the ever-evolving landscape of professional speaking, CAPS was formed as a testament to the power of collaboration and shared passion. Our association has a rich history that shaped who we are today. Our story began in:


Professional Speakers of Alberta - CAPS' roots take hold with the formation of the first NSA Chapter outside of the US and was led by their first president, Kit Grant, CSP, HoF.



Ontario Speakers Association elects their first president, Tom Stoyan, HoF.


The official establishment of The Canadian Association of Professional Speakers (CAPS) as an association solely dedicated to professional speakers in Canada.


CAPS is a founding member of the International Federation of Professional Speakers (IFFPS), now known as the Global Speakers Federation (GSF).

A tradition unlike any other

As our association grew, so did our unique traditions. One such tradition, the "Presidential Banana Ceremony” is a quirky, yet meaningful tradition, that symbolizes the passing of leadership within CAPS, uniting us in a spirit of camaraderie.


From its inception, and every year since at our annual convention, the Banana Ceremony involves the passing of a banana (instead of a gavel) through the line of past presidents, until it reaches the current president, and president-elect. The incoming president is then ‘knighted’ as President and invited to give their address to the membership.


A Voice for Excellence

In the world of speaking, excellence is the guiding star. CAPS has continually strived for excellence in shaping the meetings industry:


Speaking of IMPACT magazine was introduced, focusing on excellence in all aspects of planning and delivering meetings, setting the stage for growth.


CAPS is a founding member of the Business Events Industry Coalition of Canada (now Meetings Mean Business Canada – MMBC)


A tradition of caring

Throughout the years, CAPS has affirmed its commitment to our members:


The CAPS Foundation is proposed to the National Board


The CAPS Foundation elects its first Board Chair, Michael Hughes, and receives its first seed money.


The CAPS Foundation reaches a remarkable milestone by raising $100,000, a testament to our commitment to caring for our members in times of need.


The CAPS Foundation issues its first grant through the Professional Members Benefit Fund (PMBF).


A pivotal moment when the CAPS Foundation became an official incorporated entity, marking a significant step in our journey.

Uniting the Canadian landscape

As our community expanded, so did our geographical reach. We witnessed unity through the expansion and amalgamation of our chapters:


CAPS Hamilton merges with CAPS Toronto


CAPS Halifax expands to become CAPS Atlantic, weaving together all our maritime provinces.


CAPS Vancouver grows to become CAPS BC, connecting members from Vancouver Island and across the province.


CAPS Edmonton amalgamates with CAPS Calgary, strengthening the Alberta spirit.


CAPS Manitoba and CAPS Saskatchewan merge, forming CAPS Prairie Shield, further cementing our national presence.


CAPS Montreal expands to become CAPS Quebec, forging bonds across our French-speaking province.


CAPS' 25th anniversary – a remarkable milestone, and a testament to our enduring spirit.


CAPS Calgary expands to encompass the entire province and becomes CAPS Alberta.

A legacy of visionaries

Throughout our history, CAPS has been led by remarkable individuals who have left an indelible mark on our community and in guiding us toward excellence in speaking:

  • David Sweet (1995-1996): Theme - To Belong Is To Serve
  • Brian Dalzell (1997)
  • Warren Evans, HoF (1998) (deceased)
  • Patricia Katz, HoF (2000): Theme - Building!
  • Jim Beaubien, HoF (2001)
  • Valerie Cade (2002): Theme - Simply World Class

... and many more, each contributing to CAPS' growth and success. View our past presidents.

Become a Part of the Story

If you're a professional speaker looking to make a lasting impact, expand your horizons, and connect with a vibrant community of like-minded individuals, CAPS is the place to be. We invite you to become part of our rich history and help shape the future of professional speaking in Canada.

Join us today and unlock your limitless possibilities.