Why CAPS is the best place to be
for Coaches & Consultants

You’re a leading expert at what you do, and spend your days helping others overcome their challenges and build better businesses. But who’s helping you with yours?

The Canadian Association of Professional Speakers was built to support Speaking Professionals just like you. Elevate and expand your professional horizons through our tight-knit community of experts, events and educational opportunities.

What our Coaches & Consultants love about CAPS

  • Learn how to master the art and BUSINESS of speaking professionally through fellow experts and our CAPS Academy (learning centre).
  • Stay up to date with marketing and operational trends by finding out what’s working for others and becoming part of our skill-specific communities.
  • Increase your reach by attending local, online and national events where you’ll get to learn, grow, share and belong among some of the best!
  • Develop a sense of community and support from other members who understand the nuances of speaking-based businesses and lifestyles.
  • Offer your expertise to fellow members and experience what it feels like to have a close network of confidants, cheerleaders, and peers.

Redefine “Limitless” through our:

Canadian Speakers Association - Make an Impact Icon


Canadian Speakers Association - Empowerment Icon

Learning Centre

Canadian Speakers Association - Innovation Icon

Online Communities

Canadian Speakers Association - Pursuit of Excellence Icon

Local Chapters

Canadian Speakers Association - Spirit of Sharing Icon

National Convention

Canadian Speakers Association - Integrity Icon

Global Networks

Join us in making an impact

  • Future-proof your business by consistently learning, adapting and modifying your income-generating models alongside other industry experts.
  • Strive to become part of our HIGH INCOME EARNERS GROUP where you’ll get to collaborate with other speakers earning well over six figures per year!
  • Feel at home no matter where you go by reaching out to fellow members when travelling across Canada, and the world. We really do feel like family!

Want to attend your first local or online event for FREE as a non-member? Reach out to our National Membership Chair to learn how.